2017: Year In Review
We're a month into 2018 and I already have a lot going on for the next couple of months. But before things are in full swing, I wanted to take a step back and review the past year. Photo by Miesha Moriniere from Pexels In numbers Wrote 2 blog posts Won 2 awards Attended 5 conferences Spoke at 4 conferences Attended 14 meetups Spoke at 4 meetups Read 12 books A lot of firsts! Speaking This was the first time I gave 3 completely different talks on different topics like design-developer collaboration, public speaking and leadership, and mastering Android's app resources. It was also the first time I gave a talk with a co-presenter at a conference ( Chicago Roboto - Design Develop Deploy ) Community Organized and helped run the first Android meets iOS meetup at Philly Tech Week. Learning new things This year I immersed myself in Kotlin via Kotlin Koans, Kotlin in Action book and Koltin programming challenges. It took me a while to write my first PR