At GDI Philly's Day in the Life of a Developer Panel
My local GirlDevelopIt chapter @gdiphilly is running a 5-event career speaker series titled "A Day in the Life". I recently had the opportunity to be on "A Day in the Life of a Developer" panel which was aimed at women transitioning into tech and curious to know what a developer does every day. The panel was very diverse with three women from a Humanities background and two from a Computer Science background. A Day In the Life of a Developer is May 6th featuring @Not_Pele @_leekinney @yashvprabhu @ahoefinger & Cella Sum — GirlDevelopIt Philly (@gdiphilly) April 15, 2015 We started off with each panelist's perspectives on the following questions. Some panelist answers are mentioned below: How did we get into this field? Early interest in math and science, Went to Engineering school, Transitioned from a tech support role, Took some Computer science intro classes. What is our educational background? Engineering, Pho...