RecyclerView on Android

Recently I gave a 10 minute lightning talk at the Android Alliance meetup about RecyclerViews on Android. The talk was aimed at Android developers at all levels. I decided to talk about this since the recent Android Study Jam for beginners that I helped run did not touch upon this topic and almost all Android developers have to make use of this ViewGroup sooner or later.

Since the Recycler View offers 3 built in-layout managers, I built a sample that showed how to lay out views either using a LinearLayoutManager, GridLayoutManager and a StaggeredGridLayoutManager.

I also talked about how it makes sense to only use a RecyclerView if you have a large dataset of items. If you just want to show a grid of say 5 items, maybe a GridLayout is a much better option.

Code sample is available at RecyclerViewExample.

Slides are available at RecyclerViewSlides.

More information about RecyclerViews is available in the Android documentation.


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